So I've joined Roller Derby. I'm in the Raw Meat program. It's a start-from-scratch thing for me. I had my first derby lesson on Tuesday, and I'm still sore.
I've wanted to join Derby since I learned it existed, pretty much. They only intake new skaters (Fresh Meat) once a year, and whenever that time swung around, I was either pregnant, brand new mom, or too out of shape (in my opinion). Also, I was scared. Scared to fail. I'm currently in the best shape of my adult life, and I finally sucked it up and made myself join. I feel like I need an outlet; something to do besides be a mom and work.
I fully expect to suck. For it to be incredibly difficult, and that I'll have to push real hard to get through the training. Not only is it the physical that will be tough, but I also have to learn a whole new sport. There's many little rules and hand signals to memorize.
I went into this telling myself that no matter how hard it is and how much I suck at it, I'm not going to quit. If it takes me longer than anyone else to build up my endurance or learn the skills, then it does. I've always lived my life on the cautious side. I never do anything if I think I could fail, or that I'm aware I won't be good at. I decided that's no way to live. You can't succeed if you don't try, right? That's what I'm telling myself anyways.
So far, so good. I'm sore as balls, but it's worth it. I'm learning to use muscles I've never used before, and I can't wait to become a full Derby Girl!
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